The Vestavia Hills High School Rebelettes recently attended the National Dance Association (NDA) dance camp in Lake Guntersville, Ala. Photo courtesy of Anita Echols.
The Vestavia Hills High School Rebelettes recently attended the National Dance Association (NDA) dance camp in Lake Guntersville, Ala. During camp, the Rebelettes learned multiple styles of dances choreographed by NDA staff, and all dancers were individually evaluated based on their technique, style and mastery of the material. In addition to learning choreography, the team members had an opportunity to connect with each other as well as with the other teams attending camp.
The varsity Rebelettes performed their home routine to “Happy,” which received top honors. Individual Top Gun awards were presented to Catherine Carroll (Turns) and Corinne Passman (Leaps and Jumps). The Team Leader Circle of Winners dance was performed by varsity captains Hannah Echols, Haley Dellacio and Brooke Westhoven. Junior varsity captains Mary Frances Garner and Rae Brown also performed the Circle of Winners dance along with the team’s returning sophomores. Varsity received the bronze plaque; the junior varsity received the gold plaque and NDA Staff Pick.
Rebelettes nominated to audition for NDA’s All-American dance team were: Curran Umphrey, Hannah Echols, Haley Dellacio, Brooke Westhoven, Savannah McCallum, Ellie Barrentine, Catherine Carroll, Katie Corona, Mary Frances Garner, CC Daniels, Zoe Tenner, Hannah Clair Hamric, Brynn Horsely, Brooke Tarrant and Chandler Perrigo. Nominees who were selected for the All-American dance team were: Echols, Dellacio, Westhoven, McCallum, Barrentine, Carroll, Garner and Tenner.
The Team Dance, performed by varsity and junior varsity together, received top honors and the Team Circle of Winners Gold, qualifying them for a bid to the national NDA competition in March 2015.
-Submitted by Anita Echols