Photos by Sydney Cromwell

Collin Armstrong
▶ Sport: Soccer
▶ College/University: U.S. Naval Academy
▶ Comment: Armstong transferred to VHHS this year and just started practicing with the team. Coaches noted his character and maturity. “He’s the type of guy I’ll call for advice, and he’s 10 years younger than me,” assistant coach Jarred Brookins said.

Ford Hunt
▶ Sport: Soccer
▶ College/University: University of
▶ Comment: Hunt transferred to Vestavia as a junior, so this past year was only his second year on the team. The team made it to semifinals last year. “He’s very unique. Usually a guy this big doesn’t have this good of feet,” Brookins said.

Faith Hauberg
▶ Sport: Soccer
▶ College/University: Furman University
▶ Comment: Coach Brigid Littleton said, “[I] couldn’t be more proud. It’s been my pleasure and honor to be part of her life since fresh-man year.”

Jack Dunphy
▶ Sport: Football
▶ College/University: Middle Tennessee State University
▶ Comment: Had dreams of being long snapper as a freshman, coaches said.