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Cathy Rogoff, ARC Realty.
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Cathy Rogoff, ARC Realty.
Cathy Rogoff of ARC Realty provides a holistic approach to real estate. The process of both buying and selling a home can be emotional, and she goes above and beyond to make the experience easier for the whole family.
She takes into account the needs of everyone selling or purchasing a home and how it will affect them. From considering commute times for working parents to area entertainment for young couples, Rogoff goes the extra mile for the whole family. She considers even the youngest members of a family to be her clients, not just the final decision-maker.
“I give parties, especially for those kids who are moving from out of town or to a different school,” she said. “I always give them a welcoming party with other kids from their new school. There’s nothing worse to me than having to start at a new school and not know anyone.”
Rogoff is passionate about taking care of her people. For 25 years, she’s been working to make people’s lives better — and that goes way past just the real estate transaction.
She remembers one young woman who she helped buy a house and how as they walked through the process, she realized the young woman and the seller of the home might make good friends.
“For my closing gift, I took them out for dinner,” she said. “They became friends and are still good friends today.”
Rogoff said her goal is to know her customers well and make the real estate process as easy and fun for them as possible.
“I don’t like for it to be stressful,” she said. “To me, the customer service aspect is huge.”
The people are the biggest part of her career. “I love the relationships I have with my clients. It doesn’t matter whether I sold somebody a house 25 years ago or yesterday, I’m still their real estate agent and friend,” Rogoff said. “I still get calls from my clients to ask me questions 25 years later. It’s the greatest thing.”
Rogoff has a knack for the business. She is among the top 20 real estate agents with ARC Realty and her listings consistently spend less time on the market.
Rogoff’s father saw her potential long before she did and pointed it out.
“I had gone to design school, and my dad and my husband both suggested that they thought I’d be really great at this,” she said. “The mix of my design skills and my love for sales turned out to be a great mix — once I listened to them.”
Rogoff puts a lot of effort into knowing all of the communities of the Greater Birmingham Area well because her clientele and their needs are so diverse.
She goes the extra mile when listing homes, too, doing whatever it takes to get the home ready to sell by helping clients determine the best decisions to make when it comes to updating paint colors, carpet, hardwoods and staging.
“I love the process,” she said. “When it comes to buying and selling their home, it’s the most money that anybody is going to ever spend on anything in their life. I want to make it the best experience possible.”
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