Photo by Todd Lester.
At the Oct. 5 Vestavia Hills football game, five chairmen were honored, with three pictured here.
In years past, students at Vestavia Hills High School have partnered with the American Cancer Society for Relay For Life, but this year the school has started a new venture.
RISE is the school’s spring fundraiser targeting cancer research and awareness, with proceeds going toward the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center. The fundraiser is sponsored by Youth Leadership Vestavia Hills.
While fundraising will start in January and will include several events providing an opportunity to give money, the group recognized and honored five students at Vestavia Hills City Schools who have battled cancer at the Oct. 5 football game: Lily Creel, Eric Dey, James Howell, Will Nailen and Maya Shah.
The entire project is student-led, said Kym Prewitt with Youth Leadership Vestavia Hills, and more than half the school participates on fundraising teams.
“It’s a great opportunity for them to learn about servant leadership,” Prewitt said. “... It’s an incredible opportunity for these students.”