1013 Vestavia Hills Rebelettes
Vestavia Hills Rebelettes
The Vestavia Hills High School Rebelettes recently attended the National Dance Association (NDA) dance camp in Lake Guntersville. While at camp, the Rebelettes learned dances from jazz to hip hop choreographed by NDA instructors. In each dance session, the Rebelettes were evaluated individually for ribbons representing their mastery of the material taught.
The varsity Rebelettes performed their home routine to “Feel this Moment” which received a superior ribbon. Top Gun individual award recipients include Rachel Snow (Hip Hop), Curran Umphry (Kicks), Hannah Claire Hamric (Turns), and Allison Howell (Jumps). The junior varsity and varsity captains performed a select dance for the Team Leader Circle of Winners and participated in leadership classes each morning.
Based on their participation and performance, the junior varsity captains, Ashlyn Lovell and Katie Corona, received the gold plaque and varsity captains, Emily Lytle, Jane Thornton, and Anna Watts, received the silver plaque.
Several Rebelettes were nominated to audition for NDA’s All-American dance team and those nominated were: Katie Corona, Haley Dellaccio, Hannah Echols, Mary Frances Garner, Cailyn Levant, Ashyln Lovell, Emily Lytle, Chandler Moss, Mary Kate Smith, Rachael Snow, Jane Thornton and Curran Umphrey.
Those selected to be a member of NDA’s All-American Dance Team were: Hannah Echols, Cailyn Levant, Ashlyn Lovell, Rachael Snow, Jane Thornton and Curran Umphrey.
The Team Dance received a Superior Gold, and the Varsity Rebelette’s Home Routine received the Innovative Choreography Award and a Superior Rating which qualifies for a bid to compete at the national competition in March 2014.
Rebelette Camp 2013
Team Dance Superior Gold
VHHS Varsity Home Routine Superior Rating
Home Routine Innovative Choreography
Bid to Nationals
Top Gun Kicks Curran Umphrey
Top Gun Turns Hannah Claire Hamric
Top Gun Leaps and Jumps Allison Howell
Top Gun Hip Hop Rachael Snow
All American Nominees:
Emily Lytle
Mary Kate Smith
Haley Dellaccio
Katie Corona
*Curran Umphrey
Mary Frances Garner
Chandler Moss
*Ashlyn Lovell
*Hannah Echols
*Jane Thornton
*Cailyn Levant
*Rachael Snow
*All American Team