Liberty Park Middle School recently held the 2014-2015 third nine weeks Lancer Court of Honor. Two boys and two girls are selected each nine weeks from each grade level. This is the highest honor that a student can receive at LPMS and students are selected by their teachers based on leadership, citizenship and conduct. Eighth grade students who were selected were: Tess Dauphin, Andrea Rodriquez, John David Hill and Wade Kozler. The seventh grade nominees were Madison Mills, Alex Ricketts, Jake Eggleston and Ryan Eshleman. The sixth grade nominees were Gwynnie Hornibrooke, McKenna Pate, Jacob Malone and Micah Roberson.
Danny Haralson, founder of Run University, was the keynote speaker. Run University is a training program for people who want to learn how to run marathons. He spoke about being successful and reaching goals. He talked to the students about slow miracles and explained that sometimes it can take time to reach goals, but to never give up and always keep trying. He added that “hard work” doesn’t mean being the hardest worker. It means completing the goal you set for yourself. Your goal may be very different then someone else’s. At the end, he shared his top three thoughts about dreams 1. Don’t dream small, dream big. 2. Have patience with your dream. 3. Dreams are made of small bricks. He added that dreams don’t just happen. You have to believe you can do it and then be willing to put in the work and dedication.