Photo courtesy of Lindsay Corley.
Sen. Slade Blackwell, Rep. Jim Carns and LPMS librarian Jean Deal talk during a legislator visit at Liberty Park Middle School.
State legislators joined students and faculty at Liberty Park Middle School as part of a movement to connect teachers with legislators.
During the April 25 visit, Sen. Slade Blackwell, R-Mountain Brook, Rep. Jim Carns, R-Vestavia Hills, and Sen. Shay Shelnutt, R-Trussville, visited and observed classrooms, talked with teachers and students and sat down with administrators.
Alabama Teacher of the Year Jennifer Brown has worked to set up legislator visits at local schools.
The effort is a way to help legislators see an average day in the classroom, recognize the needs of Alabama schools and work for legislation that fits those needs.
– Submitted by Lindsay Corley.