Neal Embry
Vestavia City Schools Superintendent Todd Freeman and board members Steve Bendall and Jennifer Weaver prepare to recognize the high school cheerleaders for their achievement at the Sept. 10 board meeting.
At the Sept. 10 meeting, the Vestavia Hills School Board passed the budget for the fiscal year 2019, as well as the capital plan.
Previously, the board heard the budget presented several times by Courtney Brown, the school’s chief financial officer. The school is expecting a 3 percent increase in local revenue, based on ad valorem taxes. The school has $12 million in reserves, a conservative estimate, which equals two months of operational monies, double what the state requires. The largest expense is the $22 million transfer to capital projects for the new construction ahead of the 2019-20 school year.
While the board passed several updated policies, a policy pertaining to student searches was tabled after there was expressed concern over what the policy could mean for school officials.
School attorney Patrick Boone said his understanding of the policy is if a school official searches a student because they suspect them of a certain offense, the student can only be punished if they are found to have committed that specific offense, and not any other offense that may be found as a result of the search.
“If the student has violated something else, a different policy, then it might be an illegal search,” Boone said.
“So if a [school resource officer] searches for a cigarette and finds a knife or a weapon, the student can’t be punished for the weapon?” board member Steve Bendall asked.
The school does not have to have probable cause, only reasonable suspicion, Boone said.
“But at the same time, in fairness to the students, this policy seems to say to me that if you suspect that Johnny’s done this, and you find out he’s done something else, then there’s no prosecution,” Boone said.
The board voted to table the policy until the October meeting.
In other business, the board:
- Heard an update on professional development from Jennifer Bailey and Brooke Brown.
- Heard from assistant superintendent Dr. Patrick Martin about Background IQ, a local business the school may use for background checks for overnight volunteers. While Steve Ammons, who has won a seat on the Jefferson County Commission, owns the business, Boone said there is no conflict of interest as the law does not prevent him from doing business with another public entity.
- Approved a change order decreasing the cost of the new kitchen/cafeteria and classroom addition for Vestavia Hills Elementary East by about $37,000.
- Approved the low bid with Blalock Building Company for a new middle school gymnasium, a cost of $4,350,500.
- Approved the contract with Blalock for the gym.
- Approved the Facilities Use Contract and Fee Schedule.
- Approved the 2018-19 renewal of the Alabama Trust for Boards of Education General Liability/Errors and Omissions Liability Fund participation.
- Approved the 2018-19 renewal of the Alabama Trust for Boards of Education Automobile Fund participation.
- Approved policies regarding security/access to schools, employee qualifications and duties, political activity and drug/alcohol testing for employees who drive.
In addition to approving recommended personnel actions, the board also approved the following consent items:
- Various high school debate team trips.
- Various high school math team trips.
- Vestavia Hills High School Mock Trial Team, YMCA Youth Judicial Conference, Montgomery, Nov. 3-5, 2018. Estimated cost: $12,000, $310 per student.
- VHHS Theatre, Scholarship auditions and workshops in Knoxville, Tennessee, Feb. 27-March 2, 2019. Estimated cost: $675 per student. Competition scholarships and workshop in Lincoln, Nebraska, June 23-30, 2019. Estimated cost: $1,405 per student.
- VHHS Choral, Just Singin’, National American Choral Directors' Association Conference in Kansas City, Feb. 27-March 2, 2019. Estimated cost: $15,000.
- VHHS Girls' Soccer, Tournament in Gulf Shores, Feb. 15-16, 2019 and in Huntsville, March 1-2, 2019. Estimated cost: $40 per student for each tournament.
- VHHS Model UN, Conference in Chattanooga, Nov. 16 or 17-19, 2018. Estimated cost: $150 to $200 per student.
- VHHS Cross Country meet in Tallahassee, Florida, Oct. 12-13, 2018.
- Vestavia Hills Elementary Central: Camp McDowell, Oct. 3-5, 8-10 and 17-19, 2018. Estimated cost: $210 per student.
- Disposal of obsolete material at the Board of Education and Liberty Park Middle School.