Photo by Mona Fisher.
Hike the Hills provides opportunity for participants to challenge themselves, friends, and family, while maintaining social distancing yet still supporting a number of community and international causes.
Hike the Hills is Vestavia Rotary Club’s response to COVID-19’s community restraints. The event replaces the club’s popular Iron City Chef, which typically drew 300-400 attendees for an evening. Hike the Hills provides opportunity for participants to challenge themselves, friends, and family, while maintaining social distancing yet still supporting a number of community and international causes.
Seven Vestavia Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs) will receive percentages of the monies from HTH, as will other organizations including the Central Alabama Food Bank, and Rotary International’s “End Polio Now.”
Participants select their preferred school to support. They may hike the hill at their own pace, from Sept. 1 through Sept. 20. The 1.5-mile course, which ascends 250 feet, begins at Little Shades Creek Bridge on Morgan Road, and ends at the corner of Lime Rock Road and Panorama Drive. Individual challenges may be obtained for $35.00, which includes a T-shirt, a swag bag, and a face mask. Family registrations for $70.00 include two T-shirts, two swag bags, and two face masks. Additional shirts may be obtained for $8.00 each.
Participants are encouraged to enlist family and friends and to join with them in a unique combination of pandemic social response and community support.
Go to vestaviarotary.org to register.
Submitted by Mona Fisher.