Photo courtesy of Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest.
Teenagers enjoy the annual Zombie Scavenger Hunt in the Teen Department at Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest in the summer of 2016.
Summer is a wonderful time for children, tweens and teenagers.
School is out, and kids are free to have fun and pursue their own interests, and the Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest is there to help kids in all age groups have creative fun in a safe environment.
The many events and activities at the library this summer include a Zombie Scavenger Hunt and a series of family-friendly movies for children and their parents.
For complete schedules of summer activities for children and teens, go to vestavialibrary.org.
Summer Movies at the Library
The children's department will show movies through July 27, according to Kelly Powell, the library’s marketing coordinator.
The movies will start at 10:30 a.m., and admission is free.
All children are welcome when accompanied by adults, but kids must be at least 9 yearsold to attend a movie screening without an adult.
Attendees, including kids and adults, will enjoy popcorn and lemonade.
The department will show the most recent movies they can, all of which are rated either G or PG.
Attendance is usually around 100, and the showings are popular with parents and kids.
“People love it because it’s free and air-conditioned,” a department spokesperson said.
The titles of the movies were not available as of press time, but patrons can pick up a schedule in the Children’s Department.
For groups of 20 or more, please call ahead at 978-0158.
Zombie Scavenger Hunt
The Teen Department’s sixth annual Zombie Scavenger Hunt will be in the Community Room on Tuesday, July 31, from 5:30–7:30p.m.
Teenagers in grades 6–12 will have the chance to find out if they can survive a zombie apocalypse, and participants will need quick wits as they race other contestants and search for the survival items hidden around the library.
Team members will have to use clues to find hidden pictures of those survival items, such as a picture of a hammer.
Attendees will enjoy pizza, and there will be door prizes, including items such as “zombie teeth.”
The winners of the hunt will receive zombie-themed items, including books and games.
About 25 teens have typically taken part in the hunt.
A Teen Services spokesperson said that the event has remained a favorite and regular part of the summer schedule, in part because zombies are so popular in the culture and are featured in many contemporary books and television shows.
“Kids enjoy pretending to be zombies and chasing friends, and scavenger hunts are always popular,” the spokesperson said.
For more information, call 978-3683.