Photo by Layton Dudley
Market on the Mountain will be held Sept. 21-22 in the gym at Mountaintop Community Church.
Those looking for clothes for infants and children can mark their calendars for two upcoming consignment sales in Vestavia Hills, Whale of a Sale and Market on the Mountain.
Whale of a Sale
Whale of a Sale will take place at Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church on Sept. 13 and 14, and will offer special sale hours for those who buy a $5 “golden ticket” at the door.
The schedule for the event is as follows:
► Volunteers shop: Sept. 13, 1:30-9 p.m.
► Sellers shop: Sept. 13, 2:30-9 p.m.
► $5 Ticketed Shoppers shop: Sept. 13, 4-9 p.m.
► Public sale: Sept. 13, 5-9 p.m. and Sept. 14, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
► Half-price sale: Sept. 14, noon to 2 p.m.
Visit thewhaleofasale.com or facebook.com/whaleofasale for more information.
Market on the Mountain
At Market on the Mountain, the sale starts Friday, Sept. 21 at 9 a.m. and lasts until 6 p.m., and continues Saturday, Sept. 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A preview sale will occur on Sept. 20 for event volunteers and consigners.
Laird Crump, director of Mountaintop Christian Day School, said the event mainly features clothes, toys and other household items for infants and children, but it also has a few items for mothers and possibly furniture.
Crump said the event serves as a fundraiser for the preschool, helping offset the church’s cost.
Market on the Mountain will be held in the gym at Mountaintop Community Church, located at 225 Centerview Drive. The gym is across from the church.
Visit marketonthemountain.com for more information.