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Photo by Katie Turpen.
Leadership Vestavia Hills
The 2014-2015 Leadership Vestavia Hills Class. Front row: Karol Leggett, Michelle Belcher, Shannon Stewart, Martha Cook, Wendy Johnson, Rebekah Parker and Noelle Ward. Back row: TJ Clark, Drayton Cosby, Jeff Downes, Chris Cain, Bill Brunson, Scott Selman, Mike Vercher, Roddy Taylor, Chris Eckroate, Brooks Harris, Adam Pierce, Erik Heninger and Rob Stone.
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Leadership Vestavia Hills
Martha Reeves Cook
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Leadership Vestavia Hills
Jeff Downes
A group of adults form a circle and at first glance, it appears they are playing a simple get-to-know-you game.
In reality, they are brainstorming ideas for the future of the city as the newest class of Leadership Vestavia Hills (LVH).
“The program is designed to provide a foundation of knowledge whereby potential leaders can enhance the economic growth and the quality of life of Vestavia Hills,” said LVH President Brian Wolfe. “Stated simply, we want to equip and prepare future leaders for service in our community.”
Leadership Vestavia Hills is a non-profit organization that empowers graduates to make a positive difference within the community through networking relationships and educational experiences. On Sept. 4, the organization had their first class for the year. During the day, the class learned the history of Vestavia Hills and how the city has grown through the years. They also participated in numerous group exercises.
“These exercises helped them to get to know each other and learn how to work as a team,” said LVH Class Coordinator Ann Hamiter.
Upcoming classes include Leadership Boot Camp, Team Building Day, Quality of Life Day, Government Day, Economic Development Day and Education Day.
“During our July board planning session we took a hard look at some areas we could improve within our organization,” said LVH President Brian Wolfe. “Each class works to implement projects that are assigned to them during the annual program. More recent projects that have been implemented include the annual Wing Ding chicken wing cook off, Help the Hills and Vestavia Hills Keep America Beautiful chapter implementation.”
LVH meets once a month from September to April. Projects are determined and selected by the class in October. Graduation will be on April 7.
“Our board is a working board and it’s exciting to see the positive impact our organization has had on our community through our leadership program, through community events that we sponsor and issues we work to resolve through our class projects,” said Wolfe.
For more, visit leadershipvestaviahills.com.