Fifteen students from Hudson K-8 School are taking part in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Workplace Mentoring Program. These seventh and eighth grade students are matched with a City of Vestavia employee and are transported from the school to Vestavia City Hall twice a month. There are a variety of city employees who volunteer as “Bigs," including several firefighters and police officers, the city’s Director of Finance, the city’s Manager and others. The children spend time with their Bigs for an hour twice per month doing various character-building activities.
“When offered an opportunity to share our talents and community pride through workplace mentoring, Vestavia Hills employees jumped at the chance. Our volunteers are eager to help make a difference in the larger community,” says Vestavia City Manager, Jeff Downes, who will also be a Big Brother in the program.
Studies show that youth participating in workplace mentoring programs perform better in school, want to go to college, and begin thinking more about their future. Also, many corporations report an increase in company morale and employees enjoy the workplace more as a result of serving as a mentor.
“It’s a win for both the child and the mentor. The Workplace Mentoring Program’s main purpose is to benefit the child by providing a friend and a confidant through mentoring, but we always hear how the mentor is just as positively affected by the relationship,” said Sue Johnson, CEO.
-Submitted by Brooke McKinley/ Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Birmingham