Photo courtesy of Merryl Cooper.
Fall Fest at Vestavia Hills Baptist Church often features games as well as sweet treats.
Oct. 31 is fast approaching, and while Vestavia Hills doesn’t have a formal trick-or-treating schedule, that Monday night is sure to see hundreds of kids going door to door looking for sweets.
However, if trick-or-treating on Halloween isn’t your style, local churches are providing an array of fall-themed activities for kids and kids at heart, complete with activities, food and, of course, candy.
Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church
Sunday, Oct. 16, 4-6 p.m.
2061 Kentucky Ave.
VHUMC’s Fall Festival is a multi-generational event, with activities for those in pre-school to senior citizens. For the kids, there will be pony rides, inflatables and a special area just for preschoolers. For seniors and other adults there will be a bingo competition, and for everyone there will be cakewalks, a dunking booth and more. The church will provide free popcorn, cotton candy, soda and water, and there will be local food trucks, including iCantina, Greg’s Hot Dogs and Steel City Pops on-site as well.
For more information or questions, contact the church at 822-9631.
Vestavia Hills Baptist Church
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 5-7 p.m.
2600 Vestavia Drive
VHBC’s annual Fall Fest will again give families a chance to not only collect candy and other treats through a trunk-or-treat, but play games as well. There will also be a climbing wall as a special feature, as well as free hot dogs and softdrinks for the whole family.
For more information, contact Minister to Children Nancy Akins at 979-5920.
Shades Mountain Baptist Church
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 5-8 p.m.
2017 Columbiana Road
Shades Mountain Baptist Church is once again hosting its Fall Carnival, complete with candy, games and inflatables. There will also be live music as well as a selection of local food trucks for a more substantial snack than just candy.
For more information or questions, contact the church at 822-1670.
Cahaba Heights United Methodist Church
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 5:30-7 p.m.
3139 Cahaba Heights Road
Cahaba Heights UMC is welcoming area residents for trunk-or-treat fun as well as other festival activities. There will be inflatables, crafts and other games, as well as cotton candy and other treats. A hot dog and chili dinner will be provided by the church’s Men’s Club.
For more information, contact 967-0470.
Liberty Park Baptist Church
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 5:30-8 p.m.
12001 Liberty Parkway
Liberty Park Baptist Church will host its annual fall festival for the low admission cost of one bag of candy per family. Activities will include inflatables, face-painting and other festival activities. Food, such as hot dogs and popcorn, will be available for purchase, with most items costing around $1.
For more information, contact the church at 969-1236 and ask for Children’s Minister Matthew Marsh.
St. Mark United Methodist Church
Sunday, Oct. 30, 4-6 p.m.
2901 Columbiana Road
St. Mark’s fall festival will include classic carnival games, a hayride, inflatables and possibly face-painting as well. The church will provide guests with a hot dog dinner, and there will be a Little Debbie cakewalk and trunk-or-treating for families to participate in.
For more information, contact Director of Children’s Ministry Anna Goode at 822-5980.
Mountaintop Community Church
Sunday, Oct. 30, 4-7 p.m.
5537 Grove Blvd.. Hoover
Mountaintop Community Church will take their annual Punk-Your-Trunk event to The Grove in Hoover this year. The change in location will give rise to additional games and carnival rides, and residents from both communities are invited. Families will have the opportunity to trunk-or-treat, and area food trucks will be on-site as well.
For more information, contact Melissa Sanderson at 776-8020.