Mayor Ashley Curry
In November we celebrate two big events: The first one is Veterans Day, and the other is Thanksgiving.
It would be safe to say that if it were not for our veterans, we probably would have nothing to celebrate. Without the freedoms that they fought for, we would not be able to live in a country that allows the quality of life that we enjoy.
We must honor and remember the service of our men and women in the military presently, as well as those who served previously. The sacrifices made by our veterans should never be forgotten.
On June 6, 1984, the 40th anniversary of D-Day, President Ronald Reagan gave a speech on the high cliffs of Normandy. Known as the “The Boys of Point du Hoc” speech, President Reagan said, “Strengthened by their courage, heartened by their valor, and borne by their memory, let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they lived and died.”
In Vestavia Hills, we will be remembering our veterans with two separate events. There will be a veterans celebration at Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church on Tuesday, Nov. 9, and another event Wednesday, Nov. 10, at the New Merkel House in Cahaba Heights. All are welcome to attend these events.
On Oct. 3, 1789, George Washington issued his Thanksgiving Proclamation, designating for the people of the United States a “day of public thanks-giving” to be held on Thursday the 26th day of November, starting in 1789.
As we approach Thanksgiving, we should take a minute to remember all the things for which we are thankful.
I will mention a few:
► I am thankful for our nation, the freedoms we enjoy and the veterans who have served our country.
► I am thankful to live in Vestavia Hills, where people care about each other and their city. I am grateful for our citizens’ investment in making our city even better.
► I am thankful for the Vestavia Hills police, fire, and public safety employees who keep us safe and so often are the first to respond when tragedy strikes.
► I am grateful for our many city employees who are dedicated to serving Vestavia Hills and do so to the best of their abilities.
► I am thankful for our many faith-based organizations that provide hope, build community and provide opportunities for outreach.
► I am thankful for our excellent schools and for the teachers and administrators who improve the lives of our children every day.
► I am grateful for this community and for all the people in it. I wish each of you a very happy Thanksgiving!