Welcome to October! Many consider October the best month of the year. For southerners it means a break from the oppressive heat and humidity experienced during the summer. It is also generally considered the best month for the fall foliage. Every year, nature puts on the ultimate show as the leaves change color. There’s no better month of the year than October to enjoy the vibrant colors of the leaves.
October has a number of holidays or national days for recognizing some event. For example, make your friends, family, or others smile this Oct. 5 on “National Do Something Nice Day.” This holiday encourages us to perform acts of kindness for strangers or loved ones or both! It’s easy to become so caught up in our own stresses and struggles (COVID-19 for example) that we forget to show kindness to others. This holiday is a great reminder that doing good deeds makes the world better — and might even help you better manage your own troubles in the process. So celebrate this nationally recognized day.
Other nationally listed days of recognition include:
► National Take your Parents to lunch Day: Oct. 14
► National Bosses Day: Oct. 16
This are just a few that are listed on the internet site, “National Day Calendar.”
On a more serious note, please remember “Fire Prevention Week” which will be Oct. 4-11. According to legend, on Oct. 8, 1871, Mrs. O’Leary was in her barn, milking her cow. The cow kicked over a lamp, which started the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.
This event sparked major efforts in fire prevention. Forty years later, the Fire Marshall’s Association of North America held the first “Fire Prevention Day.” Join our Fire Department in remembering “EDITH” this week. EDITH stands for “Exit Drills in the House”. Have a practice drill at your home on this designated week.
As I write this message, the COVID-19 numbers for our state have slightly improved. The Alabama Department of Public Health reported 14,198 cases of Covid-19 in Jefferson County on Aug. 18. Jefferson County improved to the “Green” category. The link for the current status is: arcg.is/045191.
This is encouraging as the percentage of new cases isn’t increasing as fast as it was previously. Our public health officials emphasize the need to stay vigilant in social distancing, wearing masks and frequently washing your hands.
I hope that you will enjoy your October!