Ashley Curry
Well, spring is coming or maybe it isn’t. We had record high temperatures in February and record low temperatures in March. As Henry Van Dyke said, “The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.”
On April 24, we will host the 28th annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. It is always an uplifting experience as prayers are offered for praise and thanksgiving, our young people and our nation and world. It is a time to reflect on the freedoms that we enjoy, freedoms that so many people in other countries don’t have.
At this year’s event, the keynote speaker will be Christian Cooper. Christian was involved in a car accident in February 2016 that changed his life forever. The details of the accident and how several Good Samaritans helped him escape a burning vehicle are truly inspiring. His story of overcoming the adversity of serious injuries is equally inspiring. I look forward to hearing his presentation.
In our proclamation declaring April 24 as a Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving, we recognize this day as a time to give thanks for the life we sometimes take for granted. We also recognize that through prayer we can become instruments of God’s peace.
Last month we hosted the first Freedom from Addiction drug awareness breakfast. This event was created with the formation of the Freedom from Addiction Coalition (FFAC). This coalition is comprised of Mayor Scott McBrayer of Homewood, Mayor Frank Brocato of Hoover, Mayor Stewart Welch of Mountain Brook and myself. The purpose of the FFAC is to raise awareness specifically regarding the opioid epidemic that is sweeping the nation and to establish a protocol that our respective cities could use in getting immediate help for an addict if requested. The next FFAC community breakfast will be hosted by the city of Mountain Brook on June 12.
Also, this past month, Leadership Vestavia Hills recognized two of our citizens for their outstanding service to the city. JoAnne Mote was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award, and Valerie McLean Cuddy was the recipient of the Distinguished Citizen Award. Both have demonstrated exemplary service to Vestavia Hills, and I would like to recognize them for them for these awards.
Whatever the weather, I hope you have a pleasant spring.