As we prepare for fall, the city is focused on its budgeting process. Taking into account the revenue forecast and the department requests we’ve received, I am pleased to report that we will have a balanced budget.
One of the benefits of maintaining a healthy balance sheet is our ability to support the equipment needs of various emergency response entities. In this regard, the Vestavia Hills Fire Department recently took possession of a new engine for the Liberty Park fire station. This purchase replaced a 1996 model. We also recently purchased a new ladder truck for Station 1, which replaced a 1991 ladder truck. These purchases have helped the Vestavia Hills Fire Department fleet become completely up to date, save one other engine. This unit will be replaced during the next budget year.
We are also moving forward with our paving initiative, in which we will pave roughly 13 miles of roads throughout the city. We’ve prioritized those roads in greatest need of repair for this initial repaving effort. We are spending about $1.3 million to complete the work, which is expected to last two months. Barring unforeseen circumstances, we expect the project to be complete prior to holiday season.
Our paving initiative also includes evaluation of a less expensive alternative to add longevity to our existing roads. Using a pavement restoration product, we will test this method first in October in the Buckhead subdivision. Depending on results, we may extend usage of the product to other subdivisions.
From an economic development perspective, the Patchwork Farms development project in conjunction with Daniel Corporation is moving forward. We have several initiatives happening there, and look forward to sharing the details of those with you as we progress further into the project.
Your Mayor,
Alberto C. “Butch” Zaragoza