Photo courtesy of Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation.
Officers carry the state and national flag during a ceremony at the Alabama Veterans Memorial in Liberty Park.
On Nov. 6 at 1:30 p.m. at the Alabama Veterans Memorial Park, veterans will be honored for their service to the country.
The annual event, facilitated by the Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation, is held each year at the park, located at 100 Overton Access Road at the Interstate 459 exit to Liberty Park.
This year’s event begins at 1:30 p.m. at the Hall of Honor with a welcome and introduction to the park, followed by an invocation, a presentation of colors, the national anthem, pledge of allegiance, and retiring of the colors. Each branch’s service song will also be played.
J.W. Carpenter, president of the Kiwanis Club of Birmingham and president of Prosper Birmingham, is this year’s guest speaker.
There will be a StepStone dedication and salute to those honored by the stones, which are a four- by eight-inch paver engraved with the honored veteran’s name, rank and branch of service.
America the Beautiful will be sung, along with a reenactment of raising the flag at Iwo Jima and the playing of taps.
For more information, visit alabamaveterans.org.
-- Submitted by Rick Wilson