Photo by Erin Nelson.
Jake Pratt rests his hand on a model UPS truck while sitting inside his home. The UPS staff gifted Pratt with a model truck on Dec. 24 after Pratt finished his holiday job with the company.
Down Syndrome Alabama (DSA) has announced that the application for the Jake Pratt Scholarship Fund, sponsored by UPS, is open. In 2021, UPS awarded DSA with a $25,000 grant in honor of one of their employees in the Birmingham area, Jake Pratt. Jake happens to have Down syndrome. Jake completed the post-secondary education program at Clemson Life, and his wish is to help other young adults with Down syndrome who wish to go to a post-secondary education program with a scholarship.
The Jake Pratt Scholarship Fund-Sponsored by UPS will provide individual grants to people with Down syndrome who desire and intend to enroll or continue enrollment in a post-secondary program that will enhance their life through employment, independent living or life skills, or interests in any other areas.
Scholarship Eligibility Requirements
• The applicant is an individual from Alabama with Down syndrome who is at least 18 years old, or who will turn 18 by July 1 of the application year.
• The applicant has the intent to enroll or continue enrollment in a post-secondary program at a university or community college within the United States, with an IPSE (Inclusive Post-Secondary Education) program; it must be a program of or directly affiliated with an accredited institute of higher education (IHE) and they must support students with intellectual disability.
• Applicants will provide copies of a high school diploma or equivalent, a high school transcript if graduating in the spring of the application year or an acceptance to or current enrollment in an IPSE program.
• The scholarship funds must be applied toward tuition – funds can be used for housing, food, or transportation ONLY if these costs are already included as part of the IPSE programming fees. Separate payments will not be made for these accommodations.
• Funds must be paid directly to the IHE. No reimbursements will be made to the individual or family.
• DSA will award up to 3 scholarships of varying amounts, together totaling $5000.
• All scholarship funds must be used within one year.
• You must provide 2 letters of recommendation.
• You may include any supporting documentation you think will help the scholarship committee in their deliberations. This may include artwork, videos, awards, pictures, employment history, advocacy, extracurricular activities, etc. Anything you send with your application cannot be returned and becomes the property of Down Syndrome Alabama.
-- Submitted by Down Syndrome Alabama
Applications are due by April 8, 2022. To apply or to find more information, please visit this link. https://downsyndromealabama.org/dsa-jake-pratt-scholarship-fund/