Sunel Merchant
Keynote speaker and 9/11 survivor Sunel Merchant with Mayor Butch Zaragoza. Photo by Rebecca Walden.
It is hard to imagine, even 13 years later, that Sunel Merchant can revisit his experience on the 49th floor of World Trade Center One in such vivid detail while maintaining his composure.
As many in the audience at the Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce luncheon wiped their eyes and shook their heads in disbelief, they remembered the actions that seared the nation that unforgettable morning. Merchant described, floor by floor, his safe descent from the building, and the harrowing moments that followed as he came to grips with the fact that his country was, in fact, under attack.
While Merchant has healed in many ways since that devastating day, he said he still experiences nightmares to this day.
Showing the audience a series of slides from the day’s chaos and its immediate aftermath, Merchant said he finds great symbolism and peace from a key observance he made that day – the sight of an American bald eagle – that he saw flying between the two burning buildings.
“We are the Americans,” Merchant said. “We stand back up. We get better. We get bigger. We get stronger. We don’t run and hide.”
As he has done every consecutive year since 2006, when Merchant opened the Philly Connection in Auburn, he and his wife will devote this year’s 9/11 anniversary to honoring those who work in public service, including firefighters and other emergency response personnel.
The Vestavia Hills’ location of Philly Connection will do the same on Sept. 10.
As Merchant concluded his remarks, he urged audience members to give these people not what they ask for, but what they deserve.
“They are our real superheroes,” Merchant said. “When you see them, please, go up to them, shake their hand and thank them for the wonderful service they provide.”
The next Chamber luncheon will take place Tuesday, Oct. 14, from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Vestavia Country Club. Mayor Butch Zaragoza will deliver the State of the City address during this event.