Photo courtesy of Eden Pfaff.
Guests at the Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest examine a snake during a previous event at the library.
Summer reading kickoff
WHERE: Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest
WHEN: May 22
CALL: 205-978-0158
WEB: vestavialibrary.org
As summer reading gets started, guests at the Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest can enjoy a kickoff event May 22 at the library.
Guests can call 205-978-0158 to register for a time slot to watch an animal show in the amphitheater and can also use that time to sign up for summer reading, get materials for games and take home a yummy surprise. Masks must be worn, and everyone must register for a time.
Also in the children’s department, there will be a “Page Turner Animal Adventure” on May 31 at 10 a.m. on YouTube. The event features the live-action musical “Myrtle Over the Moon,” a story about a cow that seeks love and fame on “MooTube” by trying to jump over the moon.
In the teen department, there will be an online chess club meeting May 6 at 4 p.m. via Zoom, and there will also be various online gaming opportunities, including a “Virtual Game Night” on May 19. The event will be at 4 p.m. via Zoom, and librarians in the teen department will lead guests in a variety of virtual games.
For adults, there will be an online Star Wars trivia challenge on National Star Wars Day, May 4, at noon on Facebook. On May 25, the library will hold Memorial Day “virtual tours” at noon, allowing guests to utilize Google Earth’s “Street View” to view the many memorials in Washington, D.C.
For more events, visit vestavialibrary.org.