Staff photo.
A yard sign promoting the Vestavia Hills Farmers Market is seen in 2019. This year’s market, which benefits the Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church food pantry, opens May 12 and will run through Aug. 25.
As the weather gets warmer and summer approaches, area farmers markets are opening. Vestavia Hills is home to many such markets, which offer seasonal fruits and vegetables, along with other items.
Murphree’s Market and Garden Center
► 4212 Dolly Ridge Road
► 205-967-8590
Murphree’s is open for the season and is carrying a large selection of fruits, vegetables and other items. Gene Murphree with the market said the store is carrying most of its normal items, including okra, squash, corn, beans and Alabama strawberries. Watermelon was not available. Murphree said he was pleased so far with the quality of this year’s items.
The store is requiring customers to sanitize before entering, and while masks are not required, they are encouraged. The open-air market will be open through December and is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Vestavia Hills Farmers Market
► Scout Square: U.S. 31 next to the post office
Jarry Taylor with the Vestavia Hills Farmers Market said this year’s market will open May 12 and will run each Wednesday through Aug. 25 at Scout Square next to the Vestavia Hills City Center from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The market’s proceeds benefit the food pantry at Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church. The church will purchase food from the vendors from the proceeds of the market to benefit those in the area in need of food.
Taylor said there will be a record number of vendors at the market this year — around 25. Items will include seafood, Greek food, kettle corn, tie-dye items, jewelry and all-natural dog treats. One vendor plans to sell both compost and worms for composting at this year’s market, and other vendors will sell micro-greens, candles and more, Taylor said.
Interest in the market has grown in the last few years and has been beneficial to the church’s food pantry, Taylor said.
Andy’s Farm Market
► 2480 Rocky Ridge Road
► 205-824-0300
Andy’s Farm Market usually includes fresh tomatoes, Chilton County peaches, grapes, Silver Queen corn and other items, according to its website.
Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Last year, Mandy Tamber with the market said the store was succeeding expectations despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It is crazy busy,” Tamber said at the time.
Last year, the market also featured cantaloupes, honeydew melons, potatoes, watermelons, tomatoes and more. Other items such as corn, rolls, cakes, casseroles and grits are also sold.
If we missed your farmer’s market or event, please let us know by calling 205-313-1780 or emailing Editor Neal Embry at nembry@starnesmedia.com.