Photo by Katie Turpen.
City Council
During an Aug. 24 meeting, the City Council approved the final 10 percent of the city's 2014-2015 fiscal year budget and approved several annexations.
City Manager Jeff Downes announced that 2015 had been a record year for the city with a trending increase in new business permits. 2016 will be focused on construction of many projects and Downes stated there should be a 4 percent growth in general fund revenue.
Additionally, the City Council approved the annexations of properties located at 2501 Dolly Ridge Road, Rocky Ridge Estates and 4711 Caldwell Mill Road into Vestavia Hills. David Acton Building Corporation will construct homes on the properties.
Each home on the Dolly Ridge Road property will be between 3000 and 2500 square feet and include main level garages and will be priced in the $600,00-$700,000 price range.
The council also approved the rezoning of the property located at 4308 Dolly Ridge Road from Vestavia Hills R-4 To Vestavia Hills B-1.2. Fred Acton is the owner.
In other news, the council:
- Accepted a bid for wildland protection equipment for the Vestavia Hills Fire Department.
- Approved an alcohol license for Vestavia Package Store, Meesala Bhikshapathisriniv and Thota Ravikanth, executives.
- Approved an alcohol license for Johnny Bruscos Pizza, William Bruner and Joshua Bruner, executives.
- Read a proclamation declaring the month of September Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month.