Relay for Life
According to the American Cancer Society, more than one million people in the United States are diagnosed with cancer each year. Local students are working tirelessly to change that statistic.
Relay for Life Vestavia Hills, a youth-led fundraising event, was recently named a Top Five Youth Event in the country. Vestavia Hills’ event is ranked fourth out of 100 events. In 2013, Vestavia Hills High School and Mountain Brook High School raised a combined total of $468,000 for the American Cancer Society.
“This year, the students hope to raise over $220,000 for the fight against cancer,” said Kristin Berney, community events specialist for the American Cancer Society. “The event is family-friendly with tons of activities, food and music for everyone to enjoy.”
The event’s main organizers are Youth Leadership Vestavia Hills (YLVH). The group was started by a small group of adults who were a part of Leadership Vestavia Hills in 2005. In 2008-09, the high school started a Leadership class and the project continued to expand from there. In addition to Relay for Life, the group also participates in Freshman Mentoring, Sophomore Studies, Rebel Connection, New Student Committee and Bridges, an anti-bullying program. Students begin applying for the program at the end of their freshman year and are required to attend a training retreat during the summer.
For more on Relay for Life, visit relayforlife.org. For more on Vestavia Hills Youth Leadership, visit vestavialeadership.org.