Promise Luncheon
UAB School of Nursing Building 1701 University Blvd, Birmingham, Alabama 35233
Launched in October 2007, the Circle of Promise campaign was created by Susan G. Komen to educate, empower, and mobilize the African American community in the fight against breast cancer. Through this effort, Komen hopes to rewrite the story about African Americans and breast cancer by decreasing the African American incidence, late-stage diagnosis, and mortality rates.
The Promise Luncheon brings attendees together to educate them about the impact breast cancer has on the African American community, engage them in the local fight against breast cancer, and celebrate the supportive network of survivors, co-survivors, and others who make up the Circle of Promise here in the Greater Birmingham area.
Date: Saturday, February 27th
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm
Venue: UAB School of Nursing Building 1701 University Birmingham, AL
Tickets are $25 each. Tables of 8 can be reserved for $250.
Link to purchase tickets: