Fiesta Birmingham 2016
Linn Park Birmingham, Alabama
Fiesta, presented by McDonald’s, is Alabama’s largest celebration of Hispanic culture featuring the best of Hispanic art, music, food and dance. In its 14th year, Fiesta encourages Alabamians to join us and “Celebrate Your Fiesta.”
Fiesta will take place on Saturday, October 1 from 12:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Linn Park, featuring globally-renowned entertainers and your favorite local Hispanic food vendors. Fiesta’s proceeds will support local and deserving Hispanic student scholarships. Attracting more than 10,000 guests, come out to enjoy a family-friendly day of fun with general admission tickets priced at $8 and free entry for children under the age of 12.
Fiesta is a non-profit organization created to organize and manage an annual festival that celebrates and educates the public about the diverse Hispanic cultures within the Latino community in Alabama. The 14th annual Fiesta presented by McDonald’s will be on Saturday, October 1, 2016 from 12:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Linn Park in downtown Birmingham. Admission to Fiesta is $8 per person in advance and $10 at the gate. Children 12 and under are admitted for free. Donations to the scholarship fund at Fiesta are encouraged at the event. For more information, please contact Denise Koch at or visit