Photo by Erin Nelson.
Michelle Hawkins, the new Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce director, seen June 1.
When she went into new towns to sell and promote her “Alabama Weddings” magazine, Michelle Hawkins would usually make the local chamber of commerce her first stop.
Now, she’ll be able to be that “first stop” for others, as she was recently named the new executive director of the Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce.
“I want to be that source to bring business into Vestavia Hills and promote [them],” Hawkins said.
Hawkins replaces the now-retired Karen Odle, who led the organization for 20 years.
Being the leader of the chamber is the “perfect job” for her, she said.
“This is the heart of the community,” Hawkins said. “I’m excited.”
Hawkins, originally from the Atlanta area, moved to Alabama in 1994 and has since owned and led multiple businesses. She said working in a place like Vestavia and seeing the vision the chamber’s leaders have for the organization make it a dream job.
“If I was to pick anywhere to go, it would be here,” Hawkins said.
Hawkins said she has had to work with many business owners and many different personalities in her time in business. She said she wants to meet with chamber members one on one and is excited to get started.
“I have a lot of diplomacy in bringing people together,” Hawkins said. “It’s never about me; it’s about them.”
In 2001, Hawkins created “Alabama Weddings” magazine, which she sold in 2020. For 20 years, she worked to highlight weddings all over the state.
“It was very successful,” Hawkins said. “I have worn all the hats.”
Hawkins said she sold ads, did graphic design, coordinated photo shoots and more as the magazine’s leader.
She took time off after selling the magazine to travel with her husband, Allen. The pair traveled out West and spent time in their RV.
Her husband died last September after complications from COVID-19.
“It was very much a shock,” Hawkins said. “He had no underlying issues.”
Allen developed the virus at the same time Michelle did. While she recovered, he went downhill “very fast” after she took him to the hospital, she said.
Following his death, Hawkins said she wanted to “make a difference” in the lives of others.
She also wants to make a difference in the image of Vestavia Hills and all of its amenities.
“We need to show off what Vestavia has to offer,” Hawkins said. “There’s a lot to be proud of here.”
Hawkins, who began her new role June 13, said she not only wants to work with the chamber’s member businesses, but also with City Manager Jeff Downes on ways to push business forward.
“I have a lot of energy,” Hawkins said. “There’s a lot of members.”
Looking toward the city’s renowned school system, Hawkins said she’s considered doing a junior membership for high school students that would allow them to be part of what the chamber is doing. Hawkins wants to serve as the bridge between the schools and the chamber’s businesses.
Hawkins also proposed offering more networking opportunities, possibly during breakfast or after-work hours for those who can’t make the luncheons each month.
Hawkins has four boys and will be moving into Vestavia, she said.