Emily Featherston
Everyone is invited to become a permanent part of the new Louis Pizitz Middle School campus by donating for a commemorative brick.
Louis Pizitz Middle School is continuing its preparation of their new campus with the addition of a brick donation campaign. This activity is designed to create a connection with the past by placing legacy bricks on the new campus, while generating funds to create exceptional learning environments that reflect Pirate family expectations.
Everyone is invited to become a permanent part of the new campus by donating for a commemorative brick. This may be done on behalf of student, teachers, family, and friends in the community.
Names and information can be engraved in each brick. You can choose to honor someone special or place a brick in memory of a loved one. Bricks can also be donated to memorialize a special achievement, cherished event, or even a graduating class.
Visit www.bricksrus.com/donorsite/pizitzbrick to make a donation.
Submitted by Chris Pennington.