Photo by Erin Nelson.
VH Police Support
Signs showing support for the Vestavia Hills Police Department are seen in front yards along Mission Drive in a neighborhood behind City Hall on Aug. 10.
One day when he came home for lunch, Roger Harris and his wife began talking about how they could show their support for the Vestavia Hills Police Department.
While national protests have drawn attention to police brutality and calls for reform, Harris said he was upset by the calls to defund the police and wanted to make sure his city’s police knew they were supported. Vestavia Hills, which is consistently ranked as one of the safest cities in Alabama, has a great Police Department that helps keep it safe, Harris said.
So, Harris created yard signs with the American flag and the blue bar, used to represent police officers, with the words, “We Support Our Vestavia Hills Police.”
Harris said area businesses like The Ridge, Mudtown, Silver Scissors, Monograms Plus and Rocky Ridge Hardware sold the signs, which were $10 a piece, with $5 going toward the Vestavia Hills Police Foundation. Harris and his wife will match the proceeds, and as of late July, including his match, Harris said he believed he’d be able to give a little more than $3,000 to the foundation.
The signs, made at Pete’s Print and Copy in Hoover, have been popular, Harris said. He ordered 300 of them.
“We think it’s been great,” Harris said.
Harris, who has lived in Vestavia for much of his life and graduated from Vestavia Hills High School in 1985, said the Police Department has been awesome and has supported their efforts. During one morning shift, officers came to his neighborhood and let kids climb into the cruisers and get to know them,” Harris said.
Police Capt. Shane Ware said the department has always felt it has community support, but the signs help.
“We work in a community that does support us, and we appreciate that,” Ware said.
The department doesn’t take that for granted, he said.
Harris said he is already planning to do something similar next year to support police.