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Photo courtesy of Primrose School at Liberty Park.
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Photo courtesy of Primrose School at Liberty Park.
The annual Og's Bountiful Book Drive at Primrose School at Liberty Park was a tremendous success, making a significant difference in the community.
A total of 603 books were presented to Mary-Kate Carey PHD, BCBA-D, LBA, the ABA Training & Research Advisor at Glenwoood, on Feb. 27.
Glenwood will utilize the books across three different areas: The Children's Center in Avondale, Children's Residential Services, and the Social Emotional Disturbance center on the main campus off Sicard Hollow.
Primrose School at Liberty Park extends gratitude to the local Liberty Park Business Community for their assistance in collecting books at their respective locations.
Special thanks are owed to the teams at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta-Birmingham Branch and Birmingham Martial Arts Liberty Park for their contributions towards reaching the goal.
The success of this initiative wouldn't have been possible without the support of Primrose Liberty Park's families and students.
Submitted by Primrose School at Liberty Park