Wald Park
Wald Park
Councilman Steve Ammons recalls playing at Wald Park as a child. He and other residents see the area as a special community gathering place.
That is why the city is examining a plan to prolong the longevity of the site.
Wald Park currently features several baseball fields, a walking track, the Vestavia Hills pool, picnic areas, the Civic Center, the Senior’s Lodge and a community playground.
“From a historical perspective, we are looking at a lot of different issues,” said Ammons.“We wanted the highest and best use for Wald Park. There is clearly a need for many types of upgrades. We have an aging civic center, pool and lodge area.”
“We are looking at what could happen on the site to leverage our sports facilities,” said City Manager Jeff Downes.
A park committee was formed of city employees and community stakeholders to put a three-part plan into action. Phase one involves taking a look at the ground itself. In July, the council approved a resolution authorizing an agreement with Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood for preliminary geotechnical work at Wald Park for a total of $11,500. The scope of work includes investigation of the subsurface conditions of the city-owned property of Wald Park and Public Works buildings on U.S. 31.
“We wanted to see what we are capable of doing, seeing if we could put a new facility there,” Ammons said.
Mayor Butch Zaragoza recalled the giant hole where the community playground now stands and pointed out that it was once a dumping ground.
“We want to make sure we know what is underneath that ground,” Zaragoza said. “We are making sure to look at everything upfront. We don’t want to build anything on unsuitable soil.”
Phase two will involve looking at sports needs and getting feedback from the community through open meetings and public forums. Phase three will involve putting a master plan in place and looking at all the financial details.
“It’s going to be a several-year process, and we don’t want this to just be a wish list,” Ammons said. “We are taking a hard look at everything.”
Ammons said this process goes along directly with plans to develop the U.S. 31 corridor.
“We have a lot going on right now with U.S. 31 development, and we want this to be in accordance with that plan,” Ammons said. “We are looking closely at economic development.”
In addition to long-term planning, short-term changes and progress are already being seen in the area. As of Aug. 4, Vestavia Hills Parks and Recreation changed the Civic Center membership policy. A membership is required to use the gym, showers, indoor track and game tables at the Civic Center. Memberships are free of charge for Vestavia Hills residents and can be obtained at 1973 Merryvale Road. For additional information regarding the policy, contact Jason Burnett at jburnett@vhal.org.