Kyle Parmley
Spain Park vs. Vestavia Hills Volleyball
Vestavia Hills' Hannah Vines (31) celebrates during a match between Spain Park and Vestavia Hills on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018, at Braasch-Hatchett Court in Vestavia Hills.
Over the course of the year, Vestavia Voice will keep you up to date on the various Vestavia Hills High School athletic teams. For previous weekly updates, click here.
Vestavia Hills concluded Class 7A, Region 3 play last Friday with a 28-14 win over Oak Mountain. The Rebels will not qualify for postseason play, so they will finish their season this Friday at home against Huffman.
Vestavia Hills’ volleyball season came to a close last week, as the Rebels were the victim of a Class 7A, Area 6 tournament that featured three of the state’s top teams. The Rebels faced off against Spain Park in the area tournament on Tuesday at Mountain Brook, and the Rebels fell in four sets (23-25, 17-25, 25-20, 23-25).
The Rebels finished the season with a 21-9 record and will see seniors Jackie Venable, Elise Hoppenjans, Grace Belcher, Annabelle Bridges, Mary Quinn Carter, Hannah Vines and Libby Jackson graduate following the year.
Click here to view and purchase photos from volleyball season.
— What else would you like to see mentioned? For any suggestions, feel free to email sports editor Kyle Parmley at kparmley@starnespublishing.com.