What Does Love Mean To You?
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, Vestavia Voice asked students from Vestavia Hills Elementary Cahaba Heights and Vestavia Hills Elementary West to talk to us a little bit about love.
While defining the “L”-word might have stumped the great philosophers, these students had a pretty good idea of what it meant to them and how they show it to others, whether that be through hugs, cleaning their rooms or being nice to their siblings.
For more artwork and comments from the students, visit vestaviavoice.com.
Mrs. Katie Hicks’ art class with Mrs. Lisa Goodson’s first-graders, VHECH

Rylee Jimenez.
Rylee Jimenez, Mrs Goodson's class, Mrs Hicks art classVestavia Hills Cahaba Heights, 1st grade
Rylee Jimenez
Why do you love your family? “Because they’re nice to me.”
How do you show love? “You could be nice to others.”

Bentley Otts
Bentley Otts
How do you show love to your family? “I feed the horse, and I clean my room.”
How does your family show love to you? “My dad takes me to school, and I like watching my mom play my [video] game.”

Charlotte Cummings
Charlotte Cummings
Who do you love? “I love my momma and my daddy, and my brother, and I love my cats. Their names are Bella and Oreo.”
What does love mean? “Sometimes people have been mean to each other, and people couldn’t go to the same stores together or couldn’t go to the same places together. It wasn’t nice, and people didn’t love each other, but somebody came in, it was Martin Luther King, Jr., and he changed that.”
Mrs. Jamie Kolb’s art class with Mrs. Maggie Widman’s second-graders, VHEW

Taylor Kate Wells
Taylor Kate Wells
Who do you love? “My family and my dog. And I like ice cream and rainbows.”
What does love mean to you? “Hugs and kisses at bedtime.”

Forrest Kreps.
Forrest Kreps
What did you draw for this project, and why? “I drew these cans, and I don’t know why.”
How do you show your family you love them? “I give them hugs, and I’m nice to them and that’s kind of it.”
And how do they show love back to you? “Whenever something’s wrong, they will always help with it.”

Chandler Peerson
Chandler Peerson
Who do you love? “I’m a big fan of the Auburn Tigers.”
How do you show them love? “I made a shrine on a TV once all about them.”
What does it mean to love someone? “To say ‘I love you’ to them and hug them once in a while and stuff.”