On Friday, Feb. 2, the 13th annual live and silent auction benefiting Vestavia Hills Elementary West will be open to anyone looking for deals on fitness memberships, jewelry, artwork and dozens of other items. VHEW's Bids & Bites fundraiser will be held from 6-9 p.m. at the Hoover Country Club, 3140 Club Drive.
Admission to this event is free.
Everyone in the community is encouraged to bring a date to this event. While bidders browse, they can enjoy delicious food and drinks, but the main attraction will be the assortment of items and services going to the highest bidder.
Among the auction items are a lake getaway stay, legal services, home accessories, camp tuitions and gift cards to some of the community’s best businesses. Parents may be interested in bidding on the orthodontic gift certificates and retail shops, paintings from local artists and boutique jewelry re also on the auction block. Bidders can name their price for a Birmingham Zoo family membership as well as a Kendra Scott table.
VHEW families may also like to bid on first in line carpool passes, early-entry passes to Meet the Teacher Day, front row musical passes and themed baskets.
For more information, please contact auction co-chairs Kellie Box, kellie1075@bellsouth.net; Karen Hoar, hoarkaren@gmail.com; Whitney Tingle, whitneytingle@gmail.com; or Leann Turner, leann.turner77@gmail.com.
Submitted by Whitney Tingle.