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Submitted by Alice Elmore
Caption: Scholastic Book Fairs’ Ambassdor John Schumaker visited Vestavia Hills Elementary WestAug. 28 to talk about new books and authors and teachers who have influenced him.
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Submitted by Alice Elmore
Caption: Scholastic Book Fairs’ Ambassdor John Schumaker visited Vestavia Hills Elementary WestAug. 28 to talk about new books and authors and teachers who have influenced him.
John Schumaker can make a room of third-graders explode with cheers by simply raising a book above his head. He did it over and over again recently at Vestavia Hills Elementary West during a visit sponsored by Scholastic Book Fairs.
Sometimes called “The Xtreme Librarian,” Mr. Schu serves as Scholastic Book Fairs’ Ambassador for School Libraries. He is also a part-time lecturer at Rutgers University, but the most exciting part of his work may be traveling more than 220 days a year, speaking to kids, parents, teachers and library professionals about how incredible children’s books are.
Mr. Schu visited Vestavia West Aug. 28, and spent time with third-graders, telling them about new books, giving away popular titles, and sharing stories about authors he had met and teachers who had influenced him.
“When I am loving a book, and living in a book, and feeling my heart grow because of a book, I panic when I have this much left!” he said, showing the kids a small stack of pages near the end of one of his favorite books. Schumaker is a former elementary school teacher and served on the 2014 Newbery selection committee, which chooses influential children’s books.
Submitted by Alice Elmore