Photo courtesy of Kym Prewitt.
The four chairs of the student-led RISE fundraiser at Vestavia Hills High School, from left: Aidan Behr, Ella Sweeney, Stella Ross and Matt Coleman.
Students at Vestavia Hills High School believe there is “Power in Together.”
In a year of isolation and loss, students at Vestavia Hills High School are striving this semester to regain a sense of tradition, school spirit and togetherness.
RISE 2021 is their solution. RISE stands for Rebels Impact through Service and Engagement. This year, more than ever before, that engagement will be a welcome opportunity after an unusual school experience.
“We may still be wearing masks and battling COVID, but our goal is to include every student in a meaningful way,” said Stella Ross, a student leader of RISE.
The primary way to do that is through RISE Teams, formed by students who find ways to safely serve the community and ultimately earn money for the cause.
The cause is the Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Program at the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center. According to Ella Sweeney, another student leader, “At the end of the semester and all our activities, 100% of our proceeds will support fighting cancer, specifically for our peers. That is what makes RISE so meaningful. We want to help our friends in a powerful way.”
Traditionally, RISE is described as a semester-long fundraiser. Honestly, it is much more than that — RISE is a way to engage all students in a common cause. It is a rallying point, a meaningful mission, an opportunity for connection and purpose beyond the classroom. In a pandemic year that has taken away many opportunities to be together (clubs, dances, pep rallies, assemblies), it is the hope of the student leaders that RISE can restore some of that sense of school spirit and tradition.
Not all of the usual events will be allowed this year because of state restrictions concerning the pandemic, but students are already hard at work planning for three traditional events in COVID-compliant fashion. The first event will be the Rebel Run on March 6 at Vestavia Hills High School’s main campus. The run includes a 5K and a 1-mile Fun Run. The entire community is invited to participate. More information on how to register will becoming soon.
The annual Character Meet & Greet, the most magical day of the year, will happen April 3 at the Freshman Campus, where 50 high school seniors transform themselves and the facilities into a fantasy land of everyone’s favorite characters. Disney princesses and superheroes will be in the house for children to visit. Look for more information soon on how to purchase your tickets in advance. This is a day you don’t want to miss.
RISE season will culminate with RISE Day on April 9 on the fields of Vestavia Hills High School. This will be an outdoor, community-wide event with live music, wonderful food and games for the whole family.
“In light of all that has happened this year, having a reason to come together [whatever that may look like] to move toward the light at the end of the tunnel sounds like a good idea to us. RISE is our reason,” student leader Matt Coleman said.
Aidan Behr added: “Our theme this year is ‘The Power of Together,’ and we believe that. There is power in our togetherness. It may not look exactly the same, but we believe it is needed now more than ever, and our goal is to make this year the best yet.”
With every single student in the school encouraged to join a team and the activities, surely, they will find that “Power of Together” and spread it to the entire community of Vestavia Hills.
Submitted by Kym Prewitt and Emily Erwood, RISE sponsors.
*Editorial note on 2/9/21: The Rebel Run date has been changed from March 13 to March 6.*