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Submitted by Pam Starling
Second place team members were (l-r) Eric Wang, Eileen Lui, Walter Zhang and Jack Lin.
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Submitted by Pam Starling
Third place team members were (l-r) Jason Han, Katy Chen, Colin Bamford and Basim Naim.
More than 100 area high school mathematicians met on the University of Mississippi's Oxford campus on Saturday, Oct. 27 to test their knowledge and accuracy during the 2018 UM Math Tournament. Sponsored by the UM Office of Pre-College Programs, the event draws ninth- through 12th-grade students from across Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee.
The winning teams' students received scholarships to attend one of UM's numerous summer program options for high school students including the Summer College and various one-week summer experiences.
Students from Vestavia Hills High School in Alabama took both the second and third place awards at the event. The second place team included Eric Wang, Eileen Lui, Walter Zhang and Jack Lin.
The third place team included Vestavia Hills students Jason Han, Katy Chen, Colin Bamford and Basim Naim.
Submitted by Pam Starling