Photo by Erin Nelson Starnes Media
Vestavia Hills High School
Vestavia Hills High School on Thursday, March 26, 2020. Photo by Erin Nelson
A new grace fund supporting Vestavia Hills City Schools secondary students is soliciting donations for the upcoming spring semester. Rebels Helping Rebels is a grace fund providing financial support so that all VHCS students in grades 6-12 may have access to school activities and learning opportunities. The purpose of Rebels Helping Rebels is to ensure that costs associated with programs, trips, classes, or activities do not prohibit student participation.
Faith Lenhart, Vestavia Hills High School dance teacher and Teacher Leaders Program member, said the faculty members who established Rebels Helping Rebels set out to make sure that all students have full access to classes, teams, and activities. These teachers identified a need to address financial challenges that could discourage or prevent students from being able to participate in school activities and courses.
“The Rebels Helping Rebels program grew from research and conversations in the Diversity and Equity faculty committee at VHHS,” Lenhart said. “The goal is to not let financial concerns prevent any student from participating in any program, event, or class in our school.”
There are three ways to make donations to Rebels Helping Rebels: by donating to the general RHR fund; donating to specific school groups (Arts, Clubs/SGA, Academic teams/groups, class fees); or donating to specific students. All donations are tax-deductible, and donors will receive a tax donation letter for their records. All donors contributing more than $100 will also receive a Rebels Helping Rebels support decal.
“We hope that families in need will complete the confidential request form so we can support them,” Lenhart said. “The response in donations has been very successful. We are blessed to be a part of a giving community that supports each other.”
Jennifer Bailey, VHCS Director of Student Services, said the new program highlights the commitment of teachers to serve students, both in the classroom and beyond.
“Rebels Helping Rebels is a visible demonstration of how our teachers — at the high school and across the district — teach and nurture the whole child,” Bailey said. “This team of teachers identified a potential obstacle for student access to activities and courses and sought creative ways to address it so that all students have the same opportunities.”
For more information, visit the Rebels Helping Rebels Fee Information page on the Vestavia Hills High School website.
Submitted by Whit McGhee.