Emily Phillips, VHCSF president 2018-2019
Photo of the president and her family
As we end one school year and prepare to begin another, the Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation is once again proud to have helped our award-winning schools in achieving the excellence that we are all accustomed to, and very lucky to have.
VHCSF has awarded over $933,000 in the areas of technology, classroom enhancements and professional development for our educators and students. Since 1996, VHCSF has played a critical role in the success and achievements of our schools and our community. The Foundation will continue to strive to grow financially so that we can provide the critical extras necessary to ensure that we maintain the standard of academic excellence we all want for our children.
On behalf of the board of directors, I invite you to be a part of the 2018-19 VHCSF year. There are several ways you may do so, whether it’s through an annual gift, shopping with our community partners or purchasing a ticket to one of our annual events. Every dollar spent will benefit the students of the Vestavia Hills City School District.
Please consider becoming involved with the Foundation this year. Here are some ways you can be involved:
First, our endowment is the lifeblood of the Foundation, and our goal is to provide perpetual financial support to each of our schools. Our hope is to protect and foster the standard of academic excellence in our school system, the cornerstone of our community. Please consider a multi-year pledge or a one-time donation to show your support for the continued excellence of our school system. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and helpful as our community strives to reach our goal of $5 million in endowed funds, which will be the “foundation” for our kids now and in the years to come.
VHSCF will host the 13thannual Dinner and Diamonds event in February 2019. Dinner and Diamonds has become the flagship of the Foundation, bringing together parents of all ages, our board of education leaders, principals, teachers, state legislators, city leaders and local business people. While it’s a fun evening that many talk about for months to come, at its core is our seminal purpose: to help our schools. I hope to see you there!
We are fortunate to have various community partners who will donate to the Foundation if you use their services for your family. Dr. Mark Yanosky, Schaeffer Eye Center and Sonology Hearing Aid Clinic all make contributions to the Foundation when a Vestavia resident uses their practices. You can find more information on these programs on the community partners page of our website. You can also support VHCSF with your everyday purchases, through programs such as Planet Fundraiser, Publix Partners and Amazon Smile.
Last, consider the opportunity to volunteer for an event or to become a board member. The Foundation has several opportunities each year for you to volunteer your time. Please contact us to determine what you can do to help!
All of us are proud of our children and cannot wait to see what they become! Please help the Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation secure the future of our children.
Submitted by Emily Phillips, VHCSF president 2018-2019