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Photo courtesy of Wynne Speir/ Girls on the Run Birmingham
A team from Vestavia Hills Elementary Central will participate in Girls on the Run Birmingham this weekend.
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Photo courtesy of Wynne Speir/ Girls on the Run Birmingham
Two teams from Vestavia Hills Elementary West will participate in Girls on the Run Birmingham this weekend.
Teams from Vestavia Hills Elementary Central and Vestavia Hills Elementary West are participating in Girls on the Run Birmingham Community 5K on May 7.
Girls on the Run Birmingham is an organization dedicated to teaching third through eighth grade girls how to be healthy and confident. Program curriculum integrates running, and after a 10-week character development program, the girls are ready to run a 5K.
Two teams from West and one team from Central will be participating.
The 5K starts Saturday, May 7 at 9 a.m. at Marconi Park. The park is located at the corner of 7th Ave. North and 24th Street North.
Registration information is available at girlsontherunbham.org.