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Emily Featherston
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Emily Featherston
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Emily Featherston
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Emily Featherston
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Emily Featherston
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Emily Featherston
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Emily Featherston
It was a bright, crisp early-fall morning Wednesday, and many students made special arrangements to take advantage of the weather and walk to school for the day.
National Walk and Bike to School Day is hosted around the country by schools to draw attention to the benefits and fun of walking or biking to school.
In Cahaba Heights, it's a regular occurrence for elementary schoolers to walk to school, but Vestavia Hills Elementary Cahaba Heights took extra steps Wednesday to make sure all students had the opportunity.
Starting at 7:15, Murphree's Market and Garden Center was transformed into a drop-off spot, where parents who normally go through carpool could stop and let their student out. Students were then walked the remaining block to the school by an adult or Vestavia Hills Police Officer.
The national event is part of the efforts of the National Center for Safe Routes to School. For more information about the program, visit walkbiketoschool.org.