Courtesy of Vestavia Hills City Schools
Students at two Vestavia Hills schools are safely back in the classroom after a gas leak late Monday morning.
Alagasco spokesperson Aaron Schmidt said the leak occurred when a plumber working at the school hit the gas line while making repairs.
The school and Vestavia Hills Fire Department followed the estabilished emergency action plan and evacuated the school and moved the students to a safe location.
Schmidt said a team from Alagasco was immediately dispatched and turned off the gas to stop the leak, and is currently determining the repairs needed to the line.
Once the leak was stopped, the fire department gave the all-clear and students and faculty were permitted to re-enter the building.
The evacuation interrupted the schools' lunch hours, but communications representative for Vestavia Hills City Schools Whit McGhee said the child nutrition program director was dispatched to ensure all students were fed.
Schmidt said the location of the repair would not affect carpool traffic, and that the team hopes to have the repairs completed by the end of the day.