Photo courtesy of VHEC.
Students wore red to celebrate Red Ribbon Week in 2015, and several schools will wear red again this year.
Ghosts and goblins are scary sights, but some Vestavia schools are hoping to educate students on something even scarier — the dangers of drug use.
Each year, the last week of October is set aside as Red Ribbon Week to focus on drug addiction prevention and awareness.
“We use it as a way to discuss the dangers of drug use while also promoting that recovery is possible,” said Sandor Cheka, who is the executive director of the Addiction Prevention Coalition.
The APC serves central Alabama by facilitating drug prevention programs and promoting awareness of recovery services to individuals affected by drug use.
Cheka said Red Ribbon Week began as a way to remember Enrique Camerena, an undercover Drug Enforcement Agency officer who was killed while serving. The remembrance week started in California and has spread to be the oldest and largest prevention campaign in the United States.
In Vestavia, several elementary schools and Liberty Park Middle School will recognize Red Ribbon Week again this year to encourage students to avoid drugs and drug use.
LPMS School Counselor Keri Howard said the middle school will have a week of dress-up days and activities with a drug-free theme, including a Halloween party on Oct. 27 to “Scare Drugs Away.” Students will be able to wear Halloween costumes to school, and a speaker will be presenting to students during their physical education classes.
Howard said the PTO has also secured red T-shirts for all students to wear on Friday, Oct. 28, that will tie into the national Red Ribbon Week theme of “YOLO” (You Only Live Once).
At Vestavia Hills Elementary Central, students will celebrate a week of focusing on healthy lifestyles with theme days and a poster contest. Dress-up days will include a day to “stomp out bad choices” by wearing boots and a pajama day to remember to “make great choices to follow your dreams.”
“Red Ribbon Week gives us the opportunity to be vocal and visible in our efforts to achieve a drug-free community,” VHEC guidance counselor Alexis Sapp said. “Research shows that children are less likely to use drugs and alcohol when parents and other role models are clear and consistent in their opposition to substance use and abuse.”
Is your child’s school recognizing Red Ribbon Week?
To find out more about events and how to get involved, contact the organizers:
► Liberty Park Middle School
Contact: School Counselor Keri Howard
Email: howardkt@vestavia.k12.al.us
► Vestavia Hills Elementary Central
Contact: Assistant Principal Lorie Belski
Email: belskilh@vestavia.k12.al.us
► Vestavia Hills Elementary Cahaba Heights
Contact: School Counselor Marla Hatch
Email: hatchma@vestavia.k12.al.us
► Vestavia Hills Elementary East
Contact: PTO Volunteer Katie Hughes
Email: katiehughes414@gmail.com
► Vestavia Hills Elementary Liberty Park
Contact: School Counselor Rebecca Poe
Email: poerj@vestavia.k12.al.us