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Photos by Emily Featherston.
Ken Upchurch of TCU Consulting Services explains the process behind his firm’s work with the city on the Community Spaces Plan.
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Photos by Emily Featherston.
The public meeting regarding the former Altadena Valley Country Club had the highest attendance of the Community Spaces Plan forums. Audience members expressed concern over lighting, with much of the room sharing the sentiment that there should be no lighting at night and that the park should close at sundown.
The push toward a fully-formed Community Spaces Plan marches on as TCU Consulting prepares to present a report to the city council later this month.
Per the contract agreed upon by the two entities, TCU will take data gathered over the first 45 days of its engagement and create a list of options for the council to consider.
During the closing days of July and early days of August, TCU and the various subcommittees met again with community members and stakeholders to further refine the list of ideas, concerns, wants and needs for each aspect of the plan.
At several of the meetings, TCU principal Ken Upchurch added that in addition to working with the city’s resources, he and his team are looking for ways to coordinate with Vestavia’s neighbors and possibly leverage amenities to best suit the entire community. One example, brought up in the community building discussion, would be to partner with Hoover for use of their senior center, if such an agreement could be reached.
“It is just another tool in the toolbox as we gather the data,” Upchurch said. “The more data we get, the better our options will be.”
The meeting with the highest attendance was for ways to use the former Altadena Valley Country Club, and as with the first meeting discussing the potential park, the crowd was a mix of Vestavia residents and those who live in the unincorporated county areas near the property.
Audience members expressed concern over lighting, with much of the room sharing the sentiment that there should be no lighting at night and that the park should close at sundown.
Others expressed concern for how the park would be kept safe, as well as the need to make sure any parking or walking trails are made of pervious materials to reduce water runoff.
Concern was evident again over whether or not the park will include athletic fields, but Upchurch said the firm has seen that, so far, the desire to keep the park passive was coming through loud and clear.
“There’s nothing off the table, but there’s nothing on the table, except for ideas,” he said.
Wald Park Pool
Discussion about swimming facilities at Wald Park once again focused on making sure there are facilities to accommodate both competition swimming and general public use.
Multiple residents expressed frustration with a dichotomy being drawn between competition swimming and “community first,” several pointing out that most of those who join Vestavia Swim Association teams are part of the community.
Others expressed that they desired the pools to be multi-use and not limited to one purpose.
Wald Park Ballfields
Much of the discussion about the fields at Wald Park focused on whether or not to replace the current natural grass with artificial turf.
Audience members expressed concern that turf gets too hot, especially in the early weeks of football season.
Additionally, Jared Smith with Vestavia Hills Youth Baseball said that if it were up to baseball, he doesn’t see the need for turf fields, and that turf requires just as much maintenance as grass. He said Mike Hill, who currently manages the fields, has done a fantastic job of maintenance the fields, and that they are envied by those in surrounding areas.
City Councilor Paul Head said he recognized the pros and cons of turf, but that ultimately the decision should be based on what surface allows for the best use by the highest number of people.
Upchurch said TCU would be working so that the community didn’t feel boxed in to either alternative.
“We see our job as to build you enough options so you’re not forced into a decision you’d prefer not to make,” he said.
Community Building
Upchurch said that, in his opinion, the timing of the city buying the property currently rented by Gold’s Gym provides the most options for the community. He said much of the community spaces plan’s future hinges on how the property will be utilized.
Conversation in the meeting focused on whether or not a dedicated senior center or area would be appropriate, with those in attendance mixed on their perceptions as to whether the facility would be heavily utilized forthat purpose.
Wald Park Green Space
Andy Bernard with TCU said strong attention would be paid to the security and lighting of Wald Park. Other items that had been mentioned as desires for the space include walking trails, an open field, pavilions and at least two playgrounds.
Former City Councilor and CSP committee member Steve Ammons said he wanted to be purposeful in drawing a distinction about the "premier" aspects of the green space — namely the way the topography is integrated into amenity spaces.
Liberty Park Ballfields
During the second meeting about field facilities at Liberty Park, Bernard went back through the list of items discussed at the previous public meeting, and there being no further suggestions or discussion, the meeting moved directly into the live survey portion of that evening.
Cahaba Heights Ballfields
Discussion about the ball fields at Cahaba Heights generally focused on how the fields would be oriented, and whether or not they could be reduced in size.
Parks and Recreation Board President David Myers said that a major concern across the board is the number of rectangle fields available in the city, and said the plan would have to account for that.
Public Works Director Brian Davis said as with any field, the plan would need to include batting cages.
Vestavia Hills Elementary Cahaba Heights Principal Alicia Hunsberger reiterated her concern that there be sufficient security, especially if access to the park is designed to go all the way around the school.
New Merkel House
Discussion about the future of the New Merkel House revolved around keeping the facility as a central point of community connectivity, while still having a space large enough and accessible enough for both senior services and other community activities.
Commenting on the livestream, City Councilor Kimberly Cook again suggested having a satellite library located there.
Wald Park MultiPurpose Building
Bernard went back over the list of items from the first public discussion of the space, a list that included significantly more basketball and volleyball courts, adequate locker room space and sufficient parking. He also went back through the expressed desire to put the needs of community recreation before those of outside tournaments or revenue generation.
City Manager Jeff Downes referenced a tour he and others took at Hoover’s Finley Center, and suggested that the team consider some of the things at that facility, such as the integration of indoor and outdoor spaces.
Others suggested having an indoor walking track and ensuring family-friendly locker room and bathroom facilities.
All eight meetings were livestreamed on the city’s Facebook page, and survey results posted on the Vestavia Hills Listens page, where residents and stakeholders were able to continue giving feedback through Aug. 9.
Next Steps
Upchurch said in the time between the public forums and the Sept. 15 deadline, his team would be going through the gathered data, refining it and figuring out what “checkers” the city wants and needs, and where they fit on the proverbial board.
However, he pointed out: “There are way more checkers than space on the board.”
He told audiences that TCU would put together multiple options, and usually options are not taken wholesale, but rather pieced together to satisfy the largest number of wants and needs.
TCU will be meeting with the greater Community Spaces Committee, and Upchurch expected additional public forum meetings about the options in the future.
Online surveys’ results
Community Building currently leased to Gold’s Gym
Total responses to online survey: 36
What is the Community Building's best proposed use?
- Recreational space 52.8% [19]
- Meeting, class and gathering spaces 36.1% [13]
- Entertainment space 5.6% [ 2 ]
- Athletics 2.8% [ 1 ]
- Other 2.8% [ 1 ]
Ball Fields at Liberty Park
Total responses to online survey: 22
Is Liberty Park the best spot for a new Miracle Field?
- Yes 40.9% [ 9 ]
- No 9.1% [ 2 ]
- Unsure 50.0% [11]
Should Liberty Park host softball tournaments?
- Yes 40.9% [ 9 ]
- No 22.7% [ 5 ]
- Unsure 36.4% [ 8 ]
Wald Park Multi-Purpose Building
Total responses to online survey: 11
What improvements in comparison to the existing facilities should be prioritized to enhance the playing experience at the recreation center? Select up to 2.
- Improving the quality of the courts 36.4% [ 4 ]
- Increasing the number of courts
available for practices and games 63.6% [ 7 ]
- Adding "flex space" to
accommodate more indoor sports 45.5% [ 5 ]
- Providing a locker room for athletic
Participants 18.2% [ 2 ]
- Other 18.2% [ 2 ]
Cahaba Heights Facilities
Total responses to online survey: 15
What is the preferred playing surface [at the ballfields]?
- Artificial turf 13.3% [ 2 ]
- Natural grass 60.0% [ 9 ]
- Both 13.3% [ 2 ]
- Unsure 13.3% [ 2 ]
What is the best approach to meet the needs at New Merkel House?
- Build new facility in current location 7.7% [ 1 ]
- Build new facility in different
Cahaba Heights location 15.4% [ 2 ]
- Renovate existing facility 30.8% [ 4 ]
- Move functions to new Community
Building (Gold's Gym property) 46.2% [ 6 ]
Wald Park Premier Green Space
Total responses to online survey: 25
Should the City invest in a premier green space at Wald Park?
- Yes 76.0% [19]
- No 16.0% [ 4 ]
- Unsure 8.0% [ 2 ]
Total responses to online survey: 81
Do you believe that a portion of the space at this park should be allocated for sports fields?
- Yes 23.8% [19]
- No 66.3% [53]
- Unsure 10.0% [ 8 ]
Wald Park Ball Fields
Total responses to online survey: 22
What playing surface do you prefer?
- Artificial turf 4.5% [ 1 ]
- Grass 59.1% [13]
- Both 36.4% [ 8 ]
Do you want covered batting cages?
- Not required 22.7% [ 5 ]
- Roof only, with lighting 54.5% [12]
- Enclosed with walls, with lighting 13.6% [ 3 ]
- Unsure 9.1% [ 2 ]
Wald Park Pool
Total responses to online survey: 78
What improvements in comparison to the existing swim facility should be prioritized to enhance the participant experience at Wald Park (select up to two)?
- Improving the quality of the pool 39.0% [30]
- Increasing the size of the pool to
accommodate practices and meets 31.2% [24]
- Providing a year-round indoor
facility to allow use during
inclement weather 37.7% [29]
- Installing/improving lighting for night
Activities 10.4% [ 8 ]
- Including a separate pool for
recreational use 42.9% [33]
- Shade structure off pool deck for
non-swim related activities 31.2% [24]
For further coverage of the Community Spaces Plan and past public forums, visit vestaviavoice.com/topics/community-spaces-plan.