Photo courtesy of Linda Rummell.
Liberty park science
Students got “hands on” exposure to the science of microbiology during a recent exercise at Liberty Park Middle.
Liberty Park Middle School seventh- grade science and pre-algebra classes combined for a joint study of microbiology and germs. Guest presenters were Bill and Linda Jeff, microbiologists from UAB and parents of LPMS math teacher Jonathan Jeff. The Jeffs started the day by demonstrating how infectious diseases and viruses are passed by human contact. Bill used glitter when shaking hands or lending a pencil. Receiving students found their hands covered with the “glitter germs.” Linda used the metric system to describe how scientists measure bacterial colonies.
A week prior to the presentation, 24 pairs of students swabbed various surfaces through the school and transferred the germs to blood agar plates. Linda incubated the plates. LPMS staff members and students were surprised to see what was lurking on doorknobs, lockers and faucets.
Groups of 10 students were given cups of clear liquid and asked to “share fluids,” unaware that one cup was harboring an infection. After the activity, students were given a drop of an indicator, turning “infected” cups yellow and “healthy” cups pink, showing how rapidly an infection can spread. Linda also advised students on the best ways to stay healthy and germ-free.