Photo courtesy of Linda Rummell.
Dr. Christopher Willey talks about cancer cells to a Liberty Park class.
Dr. Christopher Willey, a radiation oncology specialist with UAB, spoke to the sixth-graders at Liberty Park Middle School about cancer.
This added a real world connection to a book the students recently read, “Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie” by Jordan Sonnenblick. This realistic fiction book is about a middle-school aged boy whose younger brother is diagnosed with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Willey spoke about genetic and environmental factors that can cause cancer. He also spoke about solid tumors that start in the organs and are treated with radiation, as well as liquid tumors ― leukemia ― that start in bone marrow cells.
He explained how cancer spreads as well as staging, stratification and treatments such as chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.
– Submitted by Linda Rummell.