Photo courtesy of Connie O'Brien.
Fr. Steinmiller CP presenting Fr. Chalmers with a crucifix as a departing gift.
Holy Family Cristo Rey’s board acquired the former Center Street Middle School on June 11, 2019 from the Birmingham Board of Education. Renovations and upgrades were made over the summer in time for classes to begin on August 8.
The new campus claims over 68,000 square feet, and includes a cafeteria, a gym, science labs, fields, a track and tennis courts. The issues of safety, nutrition, school community, technology and operational efficiency are markedly improved in the new location, and allow faculty, staff and students to be housed in one building, located at 1832 Center Way South.
Current board, former board and a group of donors and friends gathered at the new campus on August 26 for a reception in the school’s cafeteria to honor Fr. Alex Steinmiller, CP, founding president of Holy Family Cristo Rey.
Ken Simon, former board chair, provided a reflection on Fr. Alex’s service and Fr. Phil Paxton CP, current board member, led the assembled group in prayer. Fr. Alex recently accepted a position with his religious community in Houston, Texas, and presented the school with a crucifix as a departing gift.
Fr. Jon Chalmers, President and Dan Sansone, Board Chair, honored Fr.Steinmiller, CP with the creation of the Founder’s Fund, in recognition of Fr. Alex’s zealand dedication in support of the school and its mission.
Photo courtesy of Connie O'Brien.
Current and Former Board members. Back Row - left to right: Ed Fay, Joe Guillaume, Dan Sansone, Inge Waddle, Fr. Phil Paxton CP, Fr. Alex Steinmiller CP, Fr. Jon Chalmers, Steve Barry, Burton Dunn, Nathan Marcus, Frank Franklin, John Bragg, Matt Lusco, Joel Welker. Front Row - left to right: Ken Simon, Randy Haines, Phyllis McGee, Melanie Hill, Jacque Shaia, Becky Dunn, Yolanda Sullivan, Denise Gregory.
Holy Family Cristo Rey Catholic High School is a member of the Cristo Rey Network, the only network of high schools in the country that integrates four years of rigorous college preparatory academics with four years of professional work experience through the Corporate Work Study Program.
Comprised of 37 Catholic, college- and career-preparatory schools that today serve 12,000 students across 24 states and collectively claim 18,000 graduates, the Cristo Rey Network delivers a powerful and innovative approach to education that equips students from families of limited economic means with the knowledge, character and skills to transform their lives.
To learn more, pleasevisit
Submitted by Connie O'Brien.