Emily Featherston
Several local groups from Vestavia, Homewood and beyond are inviting parents to attend a workshop for understanding their teenagers or soon-to-be teenagers, and how varying social issues can translate into substance abuse.
Dr. Bertha Madras, who is a professor of psychobiology at Harvard Medical School and a member of the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, will give the keynote address on marijuana and opiate abuse and teen culture.
After Madras' speech, parents are invited to split up into breakout groups to discuss other issues in more detail. Everything from vaping and e-cigarettes and alcohol to social media and moving from younger to older grades will be discussed, with groups let by local health and addiction specialists.
Registration for the event will take place from 5 to 5:30 p.m., and the program is expected to last from until 8:30 at night. The event will take place at Samford University's College of Health Sciences building, which is located on the former Southern Progress property on the campus at 2100 Lakeshore Drive.
For more information, contact helpthehillscoalition@gmail.com.