Photo courtesy of Kellie Knight.
During Vestavia Hills Elementary Central’s iLEAD assembly, counselors Kellie Knight and Marla Hatch emphasized the importance of leading with a positive attitude.
VHEC had its first iLEAD assembly Aug. 18. Students were given the challenge that “everyone can be a leader and everyone can make a difference this school year.”
Fourteen students were leaders and assisted with the presentation of the assembly. Twenty-eight Little Rebel Cheerleaders created and presented a cheer to help everyone learn the importance of taking responsibility and showing initiative.
Marian Humphries, the principal at VHEC, talked to the students about things that a good leader does.
“At Central school, we do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do,” Humphries said.
Counselors Kellie Knight and Marla Hatch emphasized the importance of leading with a positive attitude and that leadership often means serving or thinking of other’s needs first. VHEC plans to have student leaders stepping up to lead assemblies, programs, broadcast, school visits, new student tours and more all year because children are our future leaders and we must begin preparing them now.
– Submitted by Kellie Knight.